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Annual Poster Contest 

Who Can Enter:


All children and youth living in foster homes in the Northwest Territories between 2-18 years of age. (Including the birth AND adopted AND foster children / youth of foster families)        




2 - 6 years

7-12 years

3 -18 years

Prizes will be sent in the format of a cheque.

2 - 6 years:

1st place: $100

2nd place: $50

3rd place: $25

7-12 years:

1st place: $200

2nd place: $100

3rd place: $50

13 -19 years:

1st place: $300

2nd place: $150

3rd place: $75


When and where the posters will be judged:

The posters will be judged at the end of January at the FFCNWT office after having been on Facebook for 1 month. Followers of the FFCNWT on Facebook are eligible to vote for their favourites. The first and second place posters in each category will be entered in the Canadian Foster Family Association Poster Contest what is held in May/June the following year.  


Guidelines for the Posters:

The following guidelines MUST be followed in order to qualify for the contest.

  • The poster shall be made on a regular piece of paper (8.5 x 11”) a thicker paper can be used.

  • The poster must be hand drawn. Pencil crayons, crayons or markers are acceptable.

  • The printed name, address, phone number, age, and interpretation shall be on the back of the poster. This information shall also be printed on a separate piece of paper and attached to the back by a paper clip.


  • A caption or other words of the Child or youth are welcome.

  • The theme of the poster can be about children, families or fostering in general.

  • Posters must be delivered to the Foster Family Coalition office no later than January 3.


Mail to:

Foster Family Coalition of the NWT

PO Box 2022

Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P5

Hand deliver to:

Foster Family Coalition of the NWT

5025 50th Street, Yellowknife

Email to:

Please Note:

Upon receipt of posters they then become the property of the FFCNWT and CFFA and may be used for FFCNWT / CFFA purposes.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

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