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Babysitting list

Babysitting refers to daytime or evening care of a baby, child or youth. It is a really fun job, that can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours a day. If you want to be a babysitter for a foster or adoptive family, there are some prerequisites. 

If you are between 18 years old or older, you must:


-have completed a criminal records check, including a vulnerable sectors check, which you can do through the RCMP. You will have to first obtain a letter from the Foster Family Coalition of the NWT asking for a vulnerable sector check specifically for you, which you will then bring to the RCMP office and they will put in for your criminal reference check and vulnerable sector check

-have the skills and maturity to meet the care needs of the child or youth for the period required.

If you are between 12 and 17 years old, you must:


-have successfully completed a recognized babysitting course or equivalent, if available

-have the skills and maturity to meet the care needs for the period required; and

-have the approval of your parent(s)/guardians(s).


Please send us a copy of your babysitting course completion, or we can copy the original certification for your babysitting course.

Email to sign-up, or call the office at 867 766 3326.

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